The Greatest Love Story
The Greatest Love Story
God is the author and finisher. Don’t be upset when someone writes you out of their story. God hasn’t written you out of His. Your story doesn’t end here.
When we lose something or when someone walks out on us, there’s a ripping and a tearing away that happens. It does not feel good. But this is not the end of the story, it’s just the end of this chapter. You didn’t think this would be the ending. You were pressing on towards your good thing, your moment. But when God says no, we must let go.
Queen, no matter how hard it is, or how great the pain, keep stepping forward. There was a plot twist on this page, but you must turn the page to get to the next part. Keep stepping over the words, one letter at a time. Trudge your way past the sentences. Jump the hurdle of the punctuation at the end. It hurts but don’t be afraid to TURN THE PAGE. There’s greatness on the next page. There’s peace on the next page. This chapter ended, but if we don’t turn the page, the next chapter can’t begin. Turn the page and see what God has in store for the main character of his love
The next chapter contains your happiness. And be reminded: the greatest love story did not end with “and they lived happily ever after”. It begins with “For God so loved the world”. This chapter may be over, but your story is not over.
The greatest love story you’ll ever read, see, or experience will not be between you and the man of your dreams. The greatest and most important love story is the one written about you before time began. It was written before the foundations of the earth were laid. The greatest love story is the tale of a great God who created a great you.
This God pursued you, protected you, and loves you unconditionally. This story is about a person who was lost, has a void in their life, and was searching for love in everything around them. This magical tale is about a person who finally collided with the great God who created them. Once the two collided, there was a filing of voids, a breaking of chains, a removal of barriers. Insert your name...for God so loved (you).
Be brave. Turn the page...